Yusuf | Parent

Aqoon School-Home Support service is an opener of minds for many children in Leicester. As a father of Faisa and Firdowsa whom have been supported by Aqoon Complementary School since 2007, I am undoubtedly convinced that my two daughters would not be where they are today without Aqoon. Despite the fact they have been in the UK for less than 5 years and English is not their first language Aqoon has built the capacity of my children satisfactorily. I regularly check their lesson notes and have a discussion with my daughters about teaching at Aqoon and the teachers’ method. I have established that because of the combination of teachers’ quality and good management of the Aqoon Complementary School my daughters have produced fantastic results.

Amina | Mother of Abdibari Hussein

Aqoon has helped me with uncountable things. I was new to the country, with English language as a barrier. I didn’t know what path to take, and the rights I had as mother of a disabled child. Aqoon helped with applying for family funds, getting my child in an appropriate school. Mr Tarah was also able to help me with getting wheelchair access for my home. I was able to meet other parents in similar situations, and we were able to discuss and support each other through Parents and Carer’s Forum meetings. My son is so happy when he was taken on trips, participating in activities, and to feel normal, amongst other children with disabilities. For my other children were able to attend homework clubs here and have improved drastically in both science and maths. I will always be thankful to the help provided

Sandra Holyoake | Services Manager for Disabled Children & Young People | Leicester City Council

Leicester City Council, Disabled Children’s Services has developed a professional relationship with Aqoon through working together on projects that support Somali and other BME communities to become involved in participation. Somali and other BME communities are often isolated and have had no say in how services that relevant to them are designed, developed and monitored. We have supported Aqoon to produce an interactive DVD aimed at giving information on SEN and disability. This DVD promotes support services to disabled children and those with additional needs in a positive way and encourages take up. Together we have supported Somali parents to become involved in key groups. We work on an ongoing project aimed at developing a good practice model that can be used with other BME communities