Number of student responses:


I enjoyed attending the Aqoon Schools Inclusion Support Partnership programme. (13 students responded)

The reason for this is because…

  • It helped me with my behaviour and I had someone I can talk to from my own background
  • If feels more comfortable speaking to someone from our own community and it helped improve overall grades.
  • Got to speak more freely and got to know my weaknesses.

The mentor has helped me make progress in my learning and behaviour (18 students responded)

Specific areas that the project has helped students make progress are..

  • I was able to create a revision timetable which helped me with me mocks.
  • With behaviour, learning and practicing mock exam questions.
  • Helped me stay on top of my homework.

If I have the opportunity, I would like to continue coming to this programme (16 students responded)

Suggestions to make to add or change the way Aqoon organise the programme are…

  • More time meeting with the mentor.
  • Plan more trips and receive prizes and gifts for doing well.
  • Carry on in college with someone from my background.

Carry on with the work we are doing and carry on helping others.